As the human population explodes and extreme weather conditions surge due to climate change, we place an increasing burden on our agricultural industry, which is in dire need of innovation.
Evolving agricultural practices to meet food demand can be traced as far back as 12,000 years ago, when the agricultural revolution resulted in the transition of human populations from nomadic hunter-gatherer societies to food-producing settlements. Beginning with the domestication of cereals and legumes, and then animals, humans during this neolithic era were no longer unstrained by the carrying capacity of the land but could now produce seemingly endless supplies of food to support a growing population. Around 8000 BCE, the first instances of humans genetically modifying crops and animals were recorded, through traditional methods like selective breeding of these species with desirable traits and crossbreeding two different crops or animals to produce hybrid varieties with increased vigour. Fast-forward to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, following Gregor Mendel’s pioneering discoveries in the field of genetics, and James Watson and Francis Crick’s structural determination of DNA, genetic engineering emerged to manipulate the DNA of organisms, to not only improve our understanding of biology, but also to drive efficient, large-scale production of food and medicine.
Natural methods of crossbreeding can take many years and relies on less-controlled genetic manipulation that could have unwanted effects on other traits in crops. The introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), however, allows for specific insertion of useful genes into a crop or animal without disrupting other desirable traits that had been carefully selected for over millennia. With the advent of GMOs, we can now combine the genes of two completely unrelated organisms to create completely new hybrids that would not occur naturally. For example, the insertion of bacterial genes into corn, soybean, cotton, and tobacco allows these plants to produce their own pesticide, reducing the cost of farming these crops by improving yield and eliminating pesticide use. In addition to improving crop yields, these genes can enhance the nutrition of crops; a notable example is “Golden Rice,” which produces 20-fold more beta-carotene than other rice varieties.
Cost reduction, improved yield, increased nutrition, and more sustainable farming practices all sound enticing, especially to developing countries where the increased prevalence of poverty coincides with starvation and malnourishment. According to the World Health Organization, 90% of the scientific community believes that GMOs are safe to use, yet only approximately one third of consumers share this sentiment. Why the disparity?
The concept of the GMO is shrouded in hesitancy, generating concerns about causing allergic reactions, antibiotic resistance, toxic effects on the body, mutations, effects on pregnancy, and potential gene transfer to the consumer. While these are valid concerns, to date, no negative effects on human health or the environment have been reported for GMOs on the market. As with many new biotechnologies, much of the hesitancy is fueled by misinformation and mistrust in large corporations, and a reluctance to “play God”. To curb these doubts, governments must reduce the legal and administrative hurdles that farmers face when adopting GMO practices, and ensure consumers have transparent access to relevant health- and environment-related information.
The truth of the matter is that nearly 811 million people are suffering from malnutrition, and humanity holds in its hands a powerful technology that can tackle these oncoming challenges of food insecurity to transform the way we live off the land. As GMOs take flight, we are entering an age where the line between science fiction and reality becomes increasingly blurry.
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Böschen, S., Kastenhofer, K., Marschall, L., Rust, I., Soentgen, J., & Wehling, P. (2006). ScientificCultures of Non-Knowledge in the Controversy over Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO): The Cases of Molecular Biology and Ecology. In GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society (Vol. 15, Issue 4, pp. 294–301).
The Royal Society. (2016). How does GM differ from conventional plant breeding? Retrieved from
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2022). Science and History of GMOs and Other Food Modification Processes. Retrieved from
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