Captain Trips. It sounds like a name for children’s cereal and not a deadly superbug that kills 99% of humanity. When Stephen King first wrote The Stand in 1978, he...
Donning a dark sherwani and khusas, a white shalwar and a turban on his head, Dr Salam was described by one of his colleagues as an “oriental prince” as he...
Science starts with an observation of a curious phenomenon. Stubbed your toe on the edge of the bed? Rubbing it seems to help? Well, turns out nerves activated by touch...
“They were, I now saw, the most unearthly creatures it is possible to conceive.” Encased in their gargantuan metal tripods, armed with both “Heat-Rays” that instantly incinerate and a mysteriously...
Scientists studying climate change have been calling for meaningful action for decades. Political and social inaction has spurred youth climate activists all over the world. “Our house is still on...
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