Since the first industrial revolution in the mid-1700’s where breakthroughs in science and engineering led to the unprecedented rise in production output, the abrupt growth that societies experienced allowed for larger population capacities and an increased quality of life. For a large part of history, this endless need to progress has caused a reckless craving for finite resources. Now, a global audience witnesses the consequences of production—pollution and the impact it has on the environment—as we share a growing fear that the current trajectory of progress will be unsustainable for future generations.
In recent decades, a growing cognizance towards sustainable practices and waste production has been felt at all levels of today’s world. From changes in government policies to tax carbon emission, efforts in favor of cleaner energy production, greener alternatives advertised by companies in all industries, and people trying to reduce their own carbon footprints, there is a noticeable shift in attitude towards reactive and proactive mitigation of our environmental impact.
With this issue of IMMpress Magazine, we dive into the progress humanity has made in the past and present, as well as the plans proposed in favor of a sustainable future. We begin with an infographic detailing the development of sustainable manufacturing throughout the years (p10). We highlight topics that aim to reduce waste production such as the concept of a circular economy (p12), countries around the world that lead by example with their waste management policies (p16), and bioremediation (p20). We discuss policy and government involvement in advocating for a greener future through the promotion of sustainable investing (p15), clean energy (p18), and carbon pricing (p30). We look into the future of manufacturing through topics like sustainable packaging (p24), electric vehicles (p28), and 3D printing (p32). Additionally, we focus into the progress made by the scientific community with the goal of sustainable alternatives such as synthetic polymers (p25) and green chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry (p29). Thank you to our alumnus, Dr. Evelyn Pau for her interview and giving us a closer look into investment banking in the life science industry (p16). Lastly, this issue includes a 2022 Benchmarking infographic highlighting the growth IMMpress Magazine continues to see over the years (p8).
As always, we are incredibly grateful for our immpressive team of talented writers, editors, and designers who worked tirelessly to make yet another wonderful issue possible. Thank you to the Department of Immunology for their continued support and to our sponsors at BioLegend for their generosity.
As we approach the new year, we hope the incoming Fundamental PhD and Applied Masters students in the Department of Immunology are happy with the labs they have joined. We also want to wish all our readers a happy holiday season and a joyful start to the New Year!


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