Out with the old, in with the new, so goes the saying, and in this case, I am delighted to welcome our new IMMpress Magazine Chief Editors Kieran Manion and Catherine Schrankel, who will be taking over from Yuriy Baglaenko and Charles Tran. From the start, and for two magnificent years, Yuriy and Charles established a unique vision for their creation, and managed to produce a wonderful quarterly magazine, which we all loved as it gave us many insightful stories about current scientific trends, historical perspectives, and engaging feature articles. I am deeply grateful to Yuriy and Charles for all their amazing work and for giving us IMMpress Magazine. I am also very thankful to have Kieran and Cat take up the challenge as they become the next co-chief editors of IMMpress Magazine, and I know that the magazine will be in good hands.
As before, the new IMMpress Magazine team is once again delighting us with another stimulating and constructive issue. This time around IMMpress Magazine turns its attention to Biotechnology, and as usual there is a wonderful set of feature articles about the biotech industry, science entrepreneurship, and new research tools in our field. Together with the now expected high level of sophisticated design, insightful editorials and perspectives, the new IMMpress editorial team keeps raising the bar. As IMMpress starts its 3rd year, I remain extremely pleased with the renewed vision and dedication, and I am thankful to the new editorial team for their extraordinary efforts.
As mentioned in previous issues of IMMpress, the Department of Immunology is currently implementing many of the initiatives outlined in our Strategic Plan, as such, I am delighted to announce that a new M.Sc. in Applied Immunology has been fully approved and we will be admitting graduate students into this program for the upcoming 2015-2016 academic year. I would like to thank and congratulate Prof. Jennifer Gommerman, who led this new initiative for the Department of Immunology, and also welcome Dr. Korosh Kianizad, who as the Department’s new Research Program Officer will be responsible for helping to administer this exciting new program.
I hope you enjoy this issue, and the upcoming ones, and importantly whether you are an alumnus of the department, or a prospective student, I really look forward to hearing from you.
Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker
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