I am certain that it is very safe to say that we are all looking forward to “A Post-Pandemic World”, and this issue of IMMpress Magazine explores what that future may look like. The phenomenal IMMpress team has put together another thoughtful and ever so timely issue, which provides an in-depth examination of the lessons learned from the current and previous pandemics and gives us a clear-eyed and balanced view of what we can hope for and expect from a post-pandemic world.

I recently experienced what a post-pandemic world at the University of Toronto may look like, when I had the pleasure and thrill to do a lecture in person, with fully masked and vaccinated students attending class. A new normal perhaps, but also a hope for better days ahead, when we can all gather again and share our love and fascination for all things Immunology.
This is Pailin Chiaranunt’s last issue as Co-Editor-in-Chief, and I would like to acknowledge her immense dedication to excellence in all aspects of what IMMpress delivers. Pailin started in the Fall of 2019 and has provided outstanding leadership from the start of the pandemic and throughout, making this issue’s theme additionally significant.

I hope you enjoy this issue, and importantly whether you are an alumnus of the department, or a prospective student, I really look forward to hearing from you.

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