Even as we strive to overcome what appears to be an endless pandemic, we look to a brighter future, one in which scientific and technological advances will improve our lives. This issue of IMMpress Magazine addresses this hope by focusing on “Healthcare in a Technological World”.

The exceptional IMMpress team has put together another timely issue, which examines how artificial intelligence and other advances, such as nanotechnologies and robotics, are being adapted to health care. In this regard, the alumni interview with Dr. Simon Eng aligns very nicely with this issue’s theme. My congratulations to our IMM250 IMMpress Prize winner, Saif Rjaibi, for the thoughtful article addressing how socio-economic disparities in Toronto affects how the pandemic impacts different folks.

I would like to commend the outstanding IMMpress editorial and production team and contributors for putting together another informative and meaningful issue. Also, a warm welcome to Philip Barbulescu, who is joining Louis Ngai as co-editor in chief, of this remarkable graduate student-led publication.

As the next year begins, I will be taking a 6-month administrative leave, January to July 2022, to focus on ongoing and new research initiatives in the lab. During this time, Dr. Jennifer Gommerman will be serving as acting chair. The Department will be in great hands.

I am certain that we are all looking forward to the end of another pandemic year and share the wish for what can only be a better new year in 2022. I extend my best wishes to all for the new year, filled with scientific, educational, and personal achievements.

I hope you enjoy this issue, and importantly whether you are an alumnus of the department, or a prospective student, I really look forward to hearing from you.

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