Dr. Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker, Chair, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto
Dr. Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker, Chair, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto

The Department of Immunology is home to a remarkable group of graduate students, and IMMpress Magazine, a student-led initiative, gives further evidence to this assertion. IMMpress also provides us with an excellent way to communicate broadly, including with our current and former students. Indeed, for the last four years, IMMpress has had a tremendous impact, by addressing important current and up-and-coming topics in our field, delving into pertinent aspects of graduate life and providing updates from our alumni. We all eagerly look forward to every issue of IMMpress Magazine, which Kieran and Angela, as co-editors-in-chief, brilliantly delivered again. Together with the usual high level of design sophistication, insightful editorials and perspectives, our Immunology graduate students continue to make IMMpress a must read for all of us. I am again very thankful to the editorial team for their terrific efforts.

This time around, the outstanding IMMpress team has focused its attention on men’s health, and has put together another stimulating and timely issue, which brings us a thoughtful set of feature articles on the topic of prostate cancer research and the need for new biomarkers, differences in how cancer is regulated between men and women, including the implications in health and disease, and an in-depth look at the intersection of HIV and social determinants. There is also a wonderful alumni interview with Angela Zhang that highlights the many successes already achieved by our recent graduates.

I know you will enjoy this and upcoming issues of IMMpress Magazine, and importantly whether you are an alumnus of the department, or a prospective student, I really look forward to hearing from you.

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Co-Editors-in-Chief Angela Zhou (left) and Kieran Manion (right). Photo credit: Charles Tran. Previous post Letter from the Editors – Volume 4, Issue 3
Next post Masters of Science – The Gentleman’s Nonfiction Digest

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