The modern patent system has roots back to 500 BCE in ancient Greece, where inventors could be granted a one year monopoly to the profits of their discoveries. In England,...
And then I heard him say to the nurse, ‘Scalpel please.’” Donna Penner recounts her experience on CBC’s White Coat, Black Art of when her anaesthetic wore off and she...
Elizabeth Holmes, the latest Silicon Valley visionary to adopt the black turtleneck uniform of business tycoon Steve Jobs, takes the TEDMED stage on November 7, 2014. Her vision is to...
Three decades into the global initiative combatting Guinea worm disease, the incidence has fallen from 3.5 million cases in 1986 to just 22 cases in 2015. The eradication of Guinea...
[caption id="attachment_1708" align="alignleft" width="359"] Digitally-coloured SEM of Ebola particles budding from the cell surface. Image Credit: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), 2014.[/caption] On October 19th, 2014, Dr....
[caption id="attachment_1402" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Image credit: European Commision (EC/ECHO/Cyprien Fabre).[/caption] The Ebola epidemic in West Africa is the largest ever, projected to reach 170,000 cases if nothing is done. So...
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