Cancer is arguably the biggest medical problem of the 21st century - but whose problem is it? The other day, I was talking to a group of friends during lunchtime...
At the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Dr. Pamela Ohashi and her group are leading efforts to harness the power of the immune system to treat cancer. Cancer immunotherapy is an...
Empowering our immune system in the fight against cancer Cancer is a complex, multifaceted group of diseases that arguably represent the greatest challenge faced by biomedical researchers in the developed...
When you get right down to it, bacteria are just plain cool. They can self-replicate, evolve in the span of several days, exchange DNA with neighbours and enemies, survive in...
[caption id="attachment_977" align="alignright" width="350"] Naked mole rat. Image courtesy of Gil Wizen.[/caption] Science Magazine, in reviewing 2013, declared cancer immunotherapy to be the breakthrough of the year. With a little...
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