[Last issue we highlighted the emergence of Clinical Apps—smartphone apps that can contribute to diagnostic testing and healthcare. This issue we follow up with an in-depth look at the inception...
Did you know that two Canadian scientists, Banting and Best, discovered insulin? Even without its namesake, I am almost certain everyone would know who invented the Canadarm. We Canadians love...
The discovery of an ancient adaptive immune system in bacteria, called the CRISPR/Cas system, has revolutionized modern science. The bacterial proteins that identify and target viral DNA for degradation have...
As our understanding of CRISPR/Cas9 technology grows, the extraordinary potential of this gene-editing system in the realm of therapeutic development comes closer and closer to realization. However, ownership of the...
For the 2015 editorial year, all covers will meld art and science, with each issue encompassing a different era of art, or otherwise highlighting a specific artist. Stay tuned for...
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