From Rise of The Planet of the Apes to The Amazing Spider-man to Jurassic Park, the use of animals in scientific research has been a hot topic in more ways...
Science starts with an observation of a curious phenomenon. Stubbed your toe on the edge of the bed? Rubbing it seems to help? Well, turns out nerves activated by touch...
If every cell has the potential to accumulate DNA mutations, then statistically speaking, larger animals should have an increased risk of cancer. So how does an elephant with trillions of...
Antibodies are proteins produced by our immune systems in response to antigens, bits and pieces of foreign and harmful substances, including pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. The primary function...
The horseshoe crab has carved its way into a unique niche of species. Despite what its name might lead on, it is neither a crab nor a crustacean by definition,...
Every year, more than 115 million animals are used worldwide for biomedical experimentation, and every year, several animal rights activist groups argue against this practice. This has fueled an immense...
CONSIDER THIS: A common argument in support of the systemic manipulation of animals is that humans are more intelligent; however, intelligence, sociability, or strength are not prerequisites for feeling pain. What...
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