Have you ever met a devoted cat-owner that is simultaneously allergic to that same cat? While 10-20% of the world’s population is allergic to cats or dogs, a 2020 survey...
In her book "The Baby and the Biome," Meenal Lele, a mother of two children, invites readers on a deeply personal journey as she navigates the complexities of caring for...
Food allergy is estimated to affect 7-8% of individuals of all ages in Canada and has become increasingly prevalent over the last two decades. For those with severe anaphylaxis, ingestion...
When I was six months old, I experienced my first full-blown anaphylactic reaction. The cause- a handful of seemingly harmless rice cereal. An allergy test following this incident revealed a...
Cleanliness is overrated In 1989, British epidemiologist David P. Strachan reported a relationship between decreasing family size and increasing incidence of allergies in industrialized countries, suggesting that early exposure to...
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