In 1893, the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London reported that in addition to seeing an increase in the annual number of deaths ascribed to cancer, it appeared that...
The term syndemic was first developed in the 1990s by medical anthropologist Merrill Singer to describe the co-occurrence of multiple epidemics and their tendency to mutually reinforce the negative outcomes...
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is currently the most commonly used serum biomarker for prostate cancer screening; however, many experts agree that screening for PSA alone is not sufficient for early...
Starting September 2016, Ontario extended the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program to all Grade 7 students free of charge. The Gardasil® vaccine, approved for use in 2006, is now being...
[caption id="attachment_2829" align="aligncenter" width="1275"] For this issue of IMMpress Magazine, we look to the ultimate Renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci, whose claim to fame spans everything from painting, music, and...
Department of Immunology alumna (and frequent IMMpress contributor) Dr. Angela Zhang will be the first to tell you that the transition from academia to industry is not easy. For this...
The hysteria that has poisoned the North American perception of vaccination with conspiratorial suspicion has made it simple to forget that the biggest issue with vaccines is not harm derived...
[caption id="attachment_2779" align="alignright" width="300"] Image credit: Unsplash.[/caption] As a child, I spent much of my time hiding behind a book until one day my parents, increasingly despondent at my penchant...
Thousands readily poured into blood banks following the Pulse Nightclub shooting on June 12th, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. Taking 49 lives and injuring over 50 more, the attack is believed...
As scientists, we are charged with a high code of ethical conduct. Our research builds upon the findings of others, and for this we rely on academic journals to publish...
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