In order of left to right: James Pollock (Co-Editor-in-Chief), Kitty Liu (Design Director), Karen Yeung (Co-Editor-in-Chief), and Tianning Yu (Social Media Coordinator)

Immunology, by its nature, knows no geographical boundaries. In this issue of IMMpress Magazine, we celebrate the diverse tapestry of research and innovation that span continents and highlight the collective efforts of scientists working together to unravel the mysteries of the immune system. Researchers often face unique challenges, depending on where they live, but still share a collective commitment to advancing human health, fostering a unity of purpose that resonates across borders.

We begin, as always, with an infographic comparing research trends by continent (p8). We follow this with a history of smallpox and the global efforts that led to its eradication (p10), an analysis of the triumphs (and failures) of collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic (p14), and a look at the WHO from its early days to the present (p12). To learn more about immunology research around the world, we interviewed the globetrotting UofT alumnus Dr. Nathália Batista about her worldly scientific training and career path (p16).

We follow this with an article on brain drain: the migration of scientists looking for better opportunities (p20). Next, we delve into the exciting and emerging fields of global health (p24) and planetary health (p28) research. For personal perspectives on “international immunology”, we share stories from international students on the challenges of studying abroad (p30) and as well as a conversation with a Ugandan researcher on his experiences with international collaboration (p22).

We also remember some of the past and ongoing ethical issues in international research, with articles on the inequities faced by researchers in low-income countries (p26), exploitation in “helicopter research” (p25), and patient data privacy in the digital age (p29). Lastly, we end this issue with a review of the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, in which she reflects on the influence of her Indigenous heritage on her work in environmental biology (p31).

As we embrace the theme of “International Immunology,” we hope to inspire our readers to think beyond borders and appreciate the interconnectedness of scientific inquiry. After all, the immune system, in its complexity and adaptability, serves as a metaphor for the global scientific community, where collaboration and shared knowledge are paramount.

Each issue of IMMpress Magazine is assembled by a talented group of student writers, editors, and designers. As we enter the New Year we’d like to thank everyone on the team for their great work in 2023 and look forward what they have in store for us in 2024. As always, we are grateful to the Department of Immunology and our sponsors at BioLegend for their continued support. We hope you enjoy this issue of IMMpress!

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