Dr. Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker, Chair, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto
Dr. Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker, Chair, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto

I am well aware that every issue of IMMpress Magazine is the result of a true labour of love. More to the point, the phenomenal editorial team has conceived and delivered another extraordinary issue, which is focused on neonatal and maternal immunology. Additionally, there are insightful feature articles on the importance of scientific education, as well as creative ways on how to reach out to lay audiences. Lastly, this issue of IMMpress tackles the recent media attention and embarrassment at UofT-Scarborough due to a non-science course that dealt with anti-vaccine controversies.

As we have come to expect, all these timely issues are treated with remarkable breadth and depth, featuring a high level of design sophistication, and imbued with insightful editorial views and perspectives. Our Immunology graduate students continue to make IMMpress a must-read for all us. I am again very thankful to the editorial team for their terrific efforts.

As I have been updating you in previous issues of IMMpress, the Department of Immunology’s academic and research strategic plan is now on its second year of implementation and can be accessed at http://www.immunology.utoronto.ca/aboutus/sp.htm. One important aspect of this plan is to better engage our alumni, and to provide additional resources to the community of former graduate students. I am pleased to say that Dr. Nana Lee, the director of our Department’s Graduate Professional Development program, will extend her services to all our alumni, and thus provide ongoing professional development support at no cost to members of our UofT-Immunology graduate family.

As per usual, you will enjoy this issue of IMMpress Magazine, and the upcoming ones, and importantly whether you are an alumnus of the department, or a prospective student, I really look forward to hearing from you.

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