I hope you are hungry. I know I am.

This issue of IMMpress Magazine provides a full serving of nutritional microbiome-rich information that should satisfy anyone seeking to learn about the interface of immunity and metabolism. The IMMpress team has set a de­licious table of articles featuring key aspects of nutrition, diets and dietary supplements, microbiome and immune modulation. There is lots to dig into, plus a wonderful interview with a recent alum, Dr. St. Paul, and a terrific review of this year’s Canadian Society for Immunology conference.

I am delighted to see that, after my 6-month administrative leave, IMMpress continues to deliver outstanding and topical articles. I am also very thankful to Prof. Jennifer Gommerman for her steady and bold leadership, as Acting Chair, during this period.

Happy to be back as Chair for the next year and a bit, to lead the Department of Immunology on its next 5-year Self-Study and External Review process, which will not only inform us as to how we are doing as an academic unit, but also help in the recruitment of our next departmental leader.

Wishing all a great start to the Fall term, I hope you enjoy this issue, and importantly whether you are an alumnus of the department, or a prospective student, I really look forward to hearing from you.

Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker, PhD

Professor and Chair

Department of Immunology

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